tisdag 27 september 2011

Golden browns

Today I´m all about the rich, warm browns mixed with gold and honey. It´s been a lot of talk in different blogs about the rustic feel in advertising lately. Many interior companys show their products in an old stabel with horses or in vintage wooden houses, to get that authentic and genuine look with a lot of warmth in the pictures. I quite like it, a lot.

4 kommentarer:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7R7q1lSZfs&ob=av3e This is also beautiful!

  2. This outfit is sooooo perfect! i would like to wear it tomorrow!

  3. stunning collection of pictures! so warm and cozy

  4. Superfint med guldigt brunt! Har alldeles för lite av det hemma hos mig...
